Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spring Cleaning Time!

That's right. It is time to start thinking about Spring. If your office or theater has been closed up all winter to keep out the cold, call Brokate Janitorial to let in some sunlight, freshen up the air, and give your office that CLEAN feeling.

Spring is also more than just a time of year to do a detail clean on your office. It is also a time of year to clean your mind. Start fresh. Here is an article by Terri Levine with tips on how to clean the rest of your office environment.

Spring Cleaning Your Office Face - Business-Coach - Terri Levine

By now, you are counting down the days of Spring and looking forward to all that entails. What is also a good idea for this time of year is preparing your spring cleaning plan. Have a brain storm with everyone in your offices and call for ideas.

Here are some spring clean tips and ideas to get you started:

· Filing and paperwork. Are your filing cabinets in need of archiving? Make room for more files and make paperwork easier to handle by "culling" your old files. If you have those that you no longer need to keep, that are outside the statutory limit, throw them away if you think you will no longer be needing them. Archive files you have not used in a long time.

· Computer system. As with paperwork, computers hold many files that are not necessary to keep on the computer, but you may wish or need to keep the information. Back up this type of information to disc and free up the space on your computer system. Keep a copy of your backup and archive discs offsite – in case of fire – you want to be able to access that information again.

· Review your practices and procedures. Are there any new or simpler ways of doing tasks? Maybe your staff have ideas and now is a good time to consider them.

· Be ruthless and throw out that which is nothing more than clutter. This may be broken, chipped mugs, old magazines and brochures, and anything else you may be hoarding but never use and will likely never use.

· Need a change? Maybe rearrange the furniture, if practical. This will give you a fresh start into Spring. Maybe there is a more efficient way to set up your room and the office in general?

· Would a fresh coat of paint help? Have a look around. If you ever thought of brightening up your surgery or office, now is a good time to do it.

· Do a swap of anything ornamental. Change last years vases or paintings and photos with something more up to date, fresh and different.

· Go through all stationery cupboards and office desks and throw out everything that doesn't work. Many drawers hold pens and staplers that have not worked for years!

· Update your magazines, brochures, pamphlets and anything else you have available for waiting patients. If you provide a "toy" area for children, make sure all the toys have been cleaned and disinfected. Throw away anything tacky or broken and replace with safer, newer toys.

· Mark the first of spring with a vase of fresh flowers – if possible, try to choose low or non-allergic varieties – think about your hayfever and sinus suffering patients!

· Spring clean your mind! If your staff always work in perfect harmony, you are very fortunate, however, in some offices, disagreements and disharmony between staff members is not uncommon. So, for you and your staff – suggest they all write down on a slip of paper any grudges they are harboring against anyone else in the office, any gripe about anything at all that affects their mood and productivity during their work day. When complete, these little slips are rolled into small balls – so nobody can read them. Collect them in a bowl and take them somewhere outside or in to the kitchen sink area and burn them! Tell your staff they are spring cleaning their minds… ridding themselves of any old grudges, jealousies, angers etc. Everyone starts the first of spring with fresh slates!

Try these tips to clean your mind this spring! And call Brokate Janitorial to get the rest of your office or theater CLEAN.

Brokate Janitorial